dimecres, 11 de març del 2015

Prenuptial agreements

Are prenuptial agreements good? Should a man and a woman reach an agreement about the rules they will follow in their relationship after getting married?

Some people think that the pernuptial agreements are necessary "just in case", because there are many people that marry another person just because her or his money, so with the pernuptial agreemens money and stuff is safe, it couldn't be stolen with the divorce.

Is it always so?

Some people say that the pernuptial agreements are dangerous too, specially for the persons who didn't work and stay home doing tasks and cleaning, because in many cases, there are a housewife that didn't do anything, and with the pernuptial agreements (in case of divorce) she lose everything, and no one appreciates her work. Moreover there are persons who said that they don't accept the pernuptial agreements in anyway, because they believe that their love will last forever.

In my opinion the two arguments are correct, so I'm for, because in theory it protects you (your money and your stuff), but I'm aigainst too, but only for few cases.

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