dimecres, 11 de març del 2015


I have done a research project about body language, and I have studied the non verbal language and after it I have done a research about the meaning of gestures. It allowed me to do an examination of some videos, and it allowed me to discover that some pliticians and celebrities used it to earn the public. Moreover I have done some surveys that helped me to learn that some people think to know what is body language but actually they did not know at all.

Resultado de imagen de research projectResultado de imagen de research project

Self evaluation

"Body language"

Presentation: I think that my presentation was good and it has leasted long enough. So I think I have an 8/10.

Eye contact: I think that I was so nervous, really nervous, so I think I have a 7/10.

Structure: I think that the structure was pretty well and ordered. I think I have a 9/10.

Content: I think it was good, I've learned new vocabulary. I think I have 8/10.

Language: I think that my language was good, not perfect, but good. I think I have 8/10.

Pronunciation: I think that my pronuntiation is good, I can improve it. I think I have 7/10.

The final mark of my presentation is an 8.

Prenuptial agreements

Are prenuptial agreements good? Should a man and a woman reach an agreement about the rules they will follow in their relationship after getting married?

Some people think that the pernuptial agreements are necessary "just in case", because there are many people that marry another person just because her or his money, so with the pernuptial agreemens money and stuff is safe, it couldn't be stolen with the divorce.

Is it always so?

Some people say that the pernuptial agreements are dangerous too, specially for the persons who didn't work and stay home doing tasks and cleaning, because in many cases, there are a housewife that didn't do anything, and with the pernuptial agreements (in case of divorce) she lose everything, and no one appreciates her work. Moreover there are persons who said that they don't accept the pernuptial agreements in anyway, because they believe that their love will last forever.

In my opinion the two arguments are correct, so I'm for, because in theory it protects you (your money and your stuff), but I'm aigainst too, but only for few cases.


Doing the last post I saw that old music make me happy for the memories that goes with them. Every song is a different memorie, and I love everyone of them because they are parts of my life. It seems like it was 300 years ago, but actually they are only few years, like five years. I had a different periods of music in my life, when I was a child I have listened songs like Asereje, or the "dance of gorilla". Then when I was ten approximately I have listened only radio, because I wasn't very attracted by music. I remember that some years I've done the playback actuation, and I don't know why but the only song I remember is one of "High school musical". When I was 15 years old I listened a little bit of everything as currently.

Resultado de imagen de musica


A few days ago I found an English work that I've done years ago. This has maked me think about I miss some moments and some people, because people goes away and time never stop. Few years ago my life was completely different, and I think it also was better, because I was a young girl who didn't care about anything, it was like I was free. Currently I'm free too, but it's a different kind of freedom. I miss some people. A long time ago I had many friends, I was always happy with them. Nowadays I have many friends too, but we're more matures, we don't do the same stupids things, well, it isn't true, because my friends are crazy, but most people isn't like they. What we said when we were kids still working currently "Today I like you, we will see tomorrow".

Finland: Elderly man defies age with downhill skiing

Nils-Olof Eklundh started skiing in 1937 and still hits the slopes at a centre near Helsinki for two hours every Saturday and Sunday. After descending the hill 10 times he stops for a coffee, then does it another 10 times. He used to ski competitively decades ago. Mr Eklundh says he doesn't have any secrets for being healthy in later life, he doesn't eat anything special, on the contrary, he eat greasy crap.

Nils-Olof Eklundh skiing

For more information: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-31796701

Georgia: Town councillor gives free taxi rides

Zurab Sepiashvili is part of the council in the eastern town of Gurjaani. Every sunday he spends four ours ferrying people around in his car to show he is serving the public. He is footing the bill for fuel himself.
It's gone down well among Georgians commenting on social media, with many people praising Mr Sepiashvilli's actions, and it seems the idea is catching on.

Zurab Sepiashvili in his taxi

For more information: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-31814778

Spain: Rare Iberian lynx tracked in Madrid region

After 40 years the rare Iberian lynx has returned to Madrid, Spain. The male lynx, called Kentaro, was born in captivity and released with seven more lynx in Toledo in 2014. Kentaro has "packed his bags and set off on his travels", it's rare that a lynx goes so far away, they tend to stay close to where they were born. Kentaro wears a GPS collar which allows conservationists to track his whereabouts
The Iberian Lynx is the world's most endangered feline, and the only breeding populations are both in southern Spain.

An Iberian lynx


Belarus: Man investigated over 'fence blog'

In the western city of Brest, Mikhail Lukashevich has been posting political statements on a fenceMany of the statements on the "fence blog" address the current political situation in Belarus, and now the authorities are investigating him for allegedly defaming President Alexander Lukashenko (the "Europe's last dicator), who has been in power since 1994.
The country has been critisiced by human rights groups for suppressing free speech.

A view of messages on the fence

"Those who tell lies live the best lives, but not for too long"

For more information: http://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-31831552

Conference with Noa

The teachers of English of INS Castelló d'Empúries have prepared us a videoconference with Noa, an old student of the school. Currently she is in Sidney, Australia. With this videoconference we all could ask to her some questions to resolve our doubts, and moreover, this conference has opened us to other possibilities such as leaving the country to practice English as Noa.
We have been asking many questions, she seemed prepared for everything, she had an answer for everything. She seemed mature. And this has maked me think, because maybe I should do as she. Anyway, the conference with Noa has helped me, because it has maked me think a lot about my future.

Thank you teachers!



This advertisement is an old ad, but it's gorgeous see how together we can do incredible things. In fact, in this advertisement appears how a few persons with exercice bikes they can turn on some lights and recreate a story of a sexy cowboy. This is a publicity of Contrex, a trademark of water. It is a soft sell.

Resultado de imagen de contrex

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-tKdWUPJ-w
This is one of the few advertisements that uses the hands to do wonderful things with shades and then use this splendor for the ad of a volkswagen car. It is a soft sell.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSn7c1uw1_A&list=PL6E1309B861F9A393&index=2 
It is a hard sell. It's a new invention that use the technology to sell shoes, to allow you to test how you would wear your shoes. It's an interesting add.

- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IcMTlwUwC4&index=3&list=PL6E1309B861F9A393 
This add is very strange, they have invented the guitar pee urinal, that allows you to compose music while you pee. It's an entertaining thing, very creative. It is a soft sell.

BBC News - 'No more room service' as Jeremy the koala returns to the wild

Jeremy Sparrow, a young koala was injured in bushfires in Australia's Adelaide Hills earlier this month.
He became a social media sensation after being pictured receiving treatment for his burnt paws, and now he has been related in to the wild.
The fires raged across some 12,500 hectares (30,888 acres) of land, about 30 minutes drive south east of Adelaide.
More than 100 people received hospital treatment, while at least 32 homes were destroyed.

Injured koala receives treatment


Cirurgy dialogue

Two old women that are in the hospital because they're ill, are in front of the cirurgy room. They see how people change and how many people pass into the room. Moreover they are very gossip, and criticize so many people.

G- Hey! Have you seen the last man? He was very fat and he want a liposuction and the doctor said to him that he needed a nose operation, puajajajaja
L- Sure, I've seen him. He was ridiculous.
G- Yes, he was 200kg jajaja
L- This week a woman have done a nose operation, when she's gone she didn't seem the same person; I think that she’s more horrible than before. Don’t you?
G- I think so. And what about the doctor? He is operated from head to toes.
L- Oh,really? I think that he’s horrible! And when he enter with a lot of women… that’s hideous!!
G- He is very superficial, he isn’t kind or sympathetic, he is really hateful. He uses women for his interests, and then he disappears of their lives. He found girls and lowers their self-esteem to force them to be operated.
L- When he pass in front of us we can bump him into the floor.
G- But, he can be operated another time, it isn’t useful. I think we have to kill him, don’t you?..