divendres, 30 de gener del 2015

BBC News - Office puts chips under staff's skin

The leader of a big company has implanted in his hand and in the hands of his stuff a tiny RFID (radio-frequency identification) chip about the size of a grain of rize. This chip is used to open closed doors and for use the photocopier, without any type of cards or codes, they only had to hold their hands against the door to open it.
The whole process is being organised by a Swedish bio-hacking group.

"We already interact with technology all the time. Today it's a bit messy - we need pin codes and passwords. Wouldn't it be easy to just touch with your hand? That's really intuitive." - said Hannes Sjoblad. 

So here it is a new technology that some years ago we will never imagined.

Here it is the link to more information:

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