dimarts, 2 de desembre del 2014

How to make stress your friend

In this video, Kelly McGonigal, a psycologist, wants to change our prejudices about stress.
She's been teaching, during ten years, something that now she don't believe. She thought that stress was bad, she thought stress was harmful, that stress increases the possibility to have a heart attack. But now she knows that this is only true for that persons who believes that.
She discovered that people who have a lot of stress but they don't think that that is harmful, they're no more likely to die.
People dont' die by stress, but for the stress beliefs.
"When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body's responses to stress"
Stress is helpful, you breath faster and your brain obtain more oxyge. 
At the end she thinks that stress helps you to be more sociable.

See here the video:  


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