dimarts, 30 de setembre del 2014

First mail

Hello my name is Giorgia Molteni and I’m 17 years old. I’m a student of 2nd batx IES Castelló d’Empúries. I live in Castelló d’Empúries in a house with my parents and my brother. I used to play volleyball but with the beginning of the Batxillerat I have left it.

My short-term goals are many but the most important ones at the moment are finishing my research project successfully and passing the high school with a good mark. I will do all the homework and study hard to get it. Another short-term goal is to get the driving license and find a good job for the summer to pay for it. Moreover I will go to Italy to visit my family and stay with them a few days.

I also have long-term goals, one of them is to travel around all the world, because I like travelling and I want to see more than I've already seen. Moreover I have more goals like: have a family, be financially stable, have a good job, stay in love with someone, and If I won the lottery I would be 100% happy.

The sentence that I liked is “No one’s written your destiny for you” because it’s true, you can do what you want and you decide what you want to be. No one has the power to stop you, you have to think what it’s good and what isn’t. You have your destiny in your hands. If you have a dream and you want to fullfil it don’t give up, never. And don’t give up if you fail, “let your failures teach you”.

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