dilluns, 9 de juny del 2014


I see an important improvement on my english level, I improved slowly but constantly. Obviously I learned to write better and I learned new vocabulary, but the topics are different, some are interesting and some others are a little bit boring, for example, stages or Frankenstein, I didn't like it, I don't know exactly why, but I prefer other topics.

I think the best activities are the songs in class, the oral presentations and all the activities we do in papers like writings, exercices, etc.

All activities together demonstrate the validity of my English, but I think are necessary spoken improvisation activities, because some day I'll find someone in the street who can need help and I would not be able to answer right away.

I think that all the activities are usefull, because I'll need it in the future, but it's difficult to do everything, especially the blog, because it requires a lot of time, and sometimes I don't have it.

I think that the subtitled movies aren't useful, because no one watch the film, they only read the subtitles ( most people ). I think is better to watch it without subtitles and try to understand what the film say.
As I said before, I would like to do activities of spoken improvisation.

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