dijous, 29 de maig del 2014

The dream has become a nightmare.

Mikkel Jensen, a danish journalist, while he was fulfilling his dream he discovered the terror that hides behind the World Cup of Brazil. He desired to write the article of the World Cup in Brazil.
Because of this he decided to travel there a few months before, to observe the preparations, and then he discovered the terror that these important events causes. After this, he decided that he didn't want to write the article and he explained his reasons on Facebook. He said that "
The dream has become a nightmare."

During his stay in Brazil he discovered that the consequences caused by the celebration of the World Cup was several: remodeling, armed forces and military police in communities, corruption, neglect of social projects ... He discovered all projects and changes to people like he, a foreigner. He said " I'm being used to make a good impression.

Police killed kids at night to clean the streets and make a good impression to tourists for the World Cup.

This is appalling, it's illegal and is unethical.
Now that this is public, that a journalist has discovered this horrible secret, Brazil should be ashamed.

For more information: http://vozpopuli.com/deportes/42069-en-brasil-matan-por-la-noche-a-ninos-de-la-calle-para-limpiar-las-ciudades-y-dar-buena-imagen-en-el-mundial 

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