diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

Self evaluation

Presentation: I think our presentation was a little bit superficial, but I think it was good because it was ordered correctly and with more visual information than written. Moreover I think that we have spoken a litle bit of everything. So I think we have 35/40.

Body language: I think I have read a little bit, because I was so nervous, but I think that I didn't read so much, and I had eye contact with the teacher, but not with the students, so I think I have 6/10.

Structure: As I said before I think it's good. So I think 10/10.

Content: It might could be more specific. So 9/10.

Language: I think it was all good but I'm sure that I've done some mistakes. I think 8/10.

Pronunciation: I think that I've pronounced pretty well and moreover Nil helped us to learn how to pronounce some words. So I think 9/10.


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