diumenge, 3 de maig del 2015

Fromal letter (invented)

NGO department
Sant Jaume I
Girona, Spain
14th of April 2015
Mr. Obama, 
president of the United States of America 
White House, Washington DC

Dear Mr. President,
We are writing this letter because we saw thousands of abused children in Ethiopia. They were very scared, because some soldiers of the troops of Africa were bitting them until their death. The soldiers used them as bargaining chips between villages, and then close them into a little cages.

We think that now is the moment to act. If you could send some troops in Ethiopia to save them from the death, of the arms of the harm troops of Africa, we will take in the children. 
We need your help in this misfortune, to save a civilisation of unfortunate children.

If you could be indulgent, we will bring up and educate this poor children. 
Please we need your help, do not turn a blind eye.

Thank you for your attention,

NGO Departament

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