dilluns, 9 de juny del 2014


I see an important improvement on my english level, I improved slowly but constantly. Obviously I learned to write better and I learned new vocabulary, but the topics are different, some are interesting and some others are a little bit boring, for example, stages or Frankenstein, I didn't like it, I don't know exactly why, but I prefer other topics.

I think the best activities are the songs in class, the oral presentations and all the activities we do in papers like writings, exercices, etc.

All activities together demonstrate the validity of my English, but I think are necessary spoken improvisation activities, because some day I'll find someone in the street who can need help and I would not be able to answer right away.

I think that all the activities are usefull, because I'll need it in the future, but it's difficult to do everything, especially the blog, because it requires a lot of time, and sometimes I don't have it.

I think that the subtitled movies aren't useful, because no one watch the film, they only read the subtitles ( most people ). I think is better to watch it without subtitles and try to understand what the film say.
As I said before, I would like to do activities of spoken improvisation.

The power of words

Many times we don't give importance to the words we say, we say the first thing we thought, without thinking of the consequences. We have to weigh our words because often they make the difference. Words have a big power that no one appreciates.
People who have the gift of speech can convince everyone about anything, and that solves many problems. Here we have a video I saw a couple of years ago in an English class. It impressed me, that video showed me that the power of words is incredible.
I invite you to watch the video and enjoy it:

VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzgzim5m7oU

Summuti by IPSIS™

Summuti is a revolutionary headset that allows to soundproof all types of voices and noises that affect the daily lives of people. The inventors are Nil Oliva, Lena Regalo and Giorgia Molteni.

Its advanced technology detects the wave frequencies of each voice and/or noise and blocks his arrival at the auditory system with the option to replace it by other customizable sounds.
In addition, Summuti incorporates a USB connection to import sound files and a timer.

This revolutionary product can change the world, it's gorgeous. Buy it now! 

Squats of Can Vies

After the incident of Can Vies, Xavier Trias porposes transfer the building that remains standing so they can reform it and use it maximum until 2016, when it will be demolished. The first thing that the squatters said was that they rejected the bid. Their agenda doesn't include the building permit or the request submitted to the municipal mandate. "We want to constrict in a model that isn't ours," said a spokesman.

"If there is any entity that wants to present any other project, we will study," said Joaquim Forn
It would be a civic management, with some control that squatters are not ready to sign.

For more information: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/barcelona/los-okupas-rechazan-cesion-can-vies-que-les-ofrece-trias-3291255  

The hero of Seattle

"Today should have been a day of celebration for the end of the school year. Again, the epidemic of gun violence has come to Seattle." lamented the Seattle Mayor Ed Murray.

Seattle police said that one man died and three people were hurt last Thursday in the university of Seattle Pacific, Washington. The author of this tragic event isn't a student of the center, his name is Aaron Ybarra, he get armed into Otto Miller room of campus around 15.30, he shot three people and was reduced with pepper spray by a student (the monitor of the building) while he was recharging his weapon, and with the help of other students were able to reduce and immobilize the criminal until the arrival of the agents.

 Estudiantes de la universidad de Seattle, congregados en el césped tras el tiroteo mortal.
