dissabte, 30 de novembre del 2013

Comment of a film: SHREK 2

The last film that I saw is Shrek two.

Is an ogre who has saved a princess, Fiona, who was trappedin a castle with a dragon she has become an ogre too. 
They marry and recive a letter from the parents of the princess that says that the kings want to see her husband, so they have to go to the kingdom of far far away. 
As they are two ogres her's parents remains shoked.
There is also involved an evil fairy and a "lovely" prince, he is so stupid.
Shrek want to be human to like at the father of the princess so he goes to the laboratory of the evil fairy and he took a potion that converts he and the princess in humans if he kiss her before midnight.
But when he drink it the fairy take he and makes that the princess believe that shrek is the prince.
Finally Shrek get the princess and he explain at she everything, and they dicide that she wants to be an ogre with he.


A imprisoned by the Mossos has appeared this Friday dead in the cell of the police station of Les Corts.

The deceased, a spanish 33 years old man, was arrested on Thursday at 11am in Ciutat Vella for theft. 

The man said that he felt ill and was taken to a clinic but the doctor said that he was good.

At seven, a police officer found the man dead in his cell. The minister has pointed to an overdose and says that the death has nothing to do with the arrest. 

For more information visit the site: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/sociedad/hombre-muere-comisaria-mossos-corts-2883688

BBC New: Helicopter crashed

Three people have died after a police helicopter crashed into a pub in Glasgow.

The last friday. the black friday, (29th of November), an helicopter of the police crashed into a busy pub. This happened at 22:25 at The Culthua (Stockwell Street).

Thirty two people have been taken to a local hospitals, and the Police Scotland have confirmed one death but it can be more.

Map of the area

For more information visit the site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-25165894

dimecres, 27 de novembre del 2013


The Italian Senate has voted to expel ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi from parliament with immediate effect over his conviction for tax fraud.

Berlusconi has lost his immunity and has been expelled from the governement, and he can be jailed for his convivtion to four years in prison for tax evasion imposed on first August by the Supreme Court of Italy in the Mediaset Case.

The removal of Berlusconi (77 years old and who entered politics in 1994 specifically with Forza Italia) is beyond an humiliation for the former prime minister, parliamentary gauging loss attributed to his status as senator and the opportunity to participate directly in the legislative life.

Berlusconi said that his fight will continue out of the parlament. He said: "It is a bitter day, a day of mourning."

For more information visite the site: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-25128115

What kind of music do you listen?

There are many types of music, what do you listen? 

I think that the most listened music is the house with the dj's, because this is the music that sounds in the discos. But the people listens to so much differents types of music, there is:

- Rock'n'Roll

- Pop

- The classical ones

- Reggaeton


- etc.

And you choose what do you like more or you can mix differents types. The music is beautiful for his variety, because if you don't like (for example) the pop music you can listen to the Rock'n'Roll one. 

What is better?

Glasses or contact lenses?

Well, both options have advantages and disadvantages.

The glasses are more comfortable at the time to pick up and remove them but during the day they're so annoying. And aesthetically they're so ugly, although they give you some personality.

The contact lenses are more comfortable during the day but it's a problem when you have to put it or remove them. But the contact lenses don't serve only to see better but it also serve to change the eye colour.


So I think that the contact lenses are better, because it have more advantages than the glasses. 

Number 13.

The number 13 from long time ago is the number of bad luck. There are so much theories about why the number 13 brings bad luck, one of them is because Judas was the thirteen in the table when Jesus died, another is for the norse mithology, another is for the numerology experts says that the bad luck number is the number four, and because the 1+3 it passed to be the thirteen, and so much more theories. 
Thanks to these theories ad superstitions have created so many fantastic stories.And this is why in some many hotels and hospitals the room number 13 doesn't exist. Because much people is supersticious and they're afraid of this number. So in some many buildings the designer has removed this room to avoid problems.