dilluns, 9 de juny del 2014

Squats of Can Vies

After the incident of Can Vies, Xavier Trias porposes transfer the building that remains standing so they can reform it and use it maximum until 2016, when it will be demolished. The first thing that the squatters said was that they rejected the bid. Their agenda doesn't include the building permit or the request submitted to the municipal mandate. "We want to constrict in a model that isn't ours," said a spokesman.

"If there is any entity that wants to present any other project, we will study," said Joaquim Forn
It would be a civic management, with some control that squatters are not ready to sign.

For more information: http://www.elperiodico.com/es/noticias/barcelona/los-okupas-rechazan-cesion-can-vies-que-les-ofrece-trias-3291255  

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