diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

The Swiss rejected close the doors to the immigrants

The 74 percent of the Swiss population have voted and have rejected the initiative intended to curtail 0.2% of the population the annual influx of new foreign.
Their economy depends on foreigners to meet their needs. They represent 23.5% of the population.


Self evaluation

Presentation: I think our presentation was a little bit superficial, but I think it was good because it was ordered correctly and with more visual information than written. Moreover I think that we have spoken a litle bit of everything. So I think we have 35/40.

Body language: I think I have read a little bit, because I was so nervous, but I think that I didn't read so much, and I had eye contact with the teacher, but not with the students, so I think I have 6/10.

Structure: As I said before I think it's good. So I think 10/10.

Content: It might could be more specific. So 9/10.

Language: I think it was all good but I'm sure that I've done some mistakes. I think 8/10.

Pronunciation: I think that I've pronounced pretty well and moreover Nil helped us to learn how to pronounce some words. So I think 9/10.



Yesterday and today, the streets of a lot of towns have been flooded because the rain. In Figueres a lot of streets have been closed. Moreover this morning the watercourse of Figueres has crumbled, because under the square passes a little river. Government has activated the Special Emergency Flood Plan (INUNCAT).
The rains have caused last night 376 interventions Fire Brigade, of which 130 have been concentrated in the town of Figueres.



The happy secret to better work

Shawn Achor, the man who appears on the video, talks about how we can be happier. He explains it with a funny speech, full of enjoyable jokes. He said that we only have to change the standpoint, the perspective. He said that if we see the things in a positive way, we will be happier. He said: "The absence of disease is not health". So what I think is that if we watch the world in a negative way, we will not be happy, because if you always think in bad things you couldn't be happy. 


Graduation... now what?

Nowadays the children needs motivation. This women explain that she has been a teacher, and during this years she learned that, even the intellectual differences between students, some students with a high IQ removed bad grades. This is because children needs a motivation more psycological that intellectual.  And not only in the school but even in the life.
This women done a study about children and she asked herself a question very important:  Which of this children would get a better grade?
She discovered that it wasn't the IQ but that what makes children better, what does that children have better grades is the grit, teh passion and perseverance.
She said that the key is learn from our failures. 


dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

EXTRAWORK: Is it better to live at home or on a campus when you are at university?

When you have to decide on a universiy you are conditioned by money. You can't choose something you can't afford and that is why so many times we choose the closest to our home.

I think that's unfair, because sometimes you want to go to a university and you can't just because money doesn't gives you possibilities and no one offers help.
So, if you go a university near your home it is better to stay there because it's cheaper. 
On the other hand it's true that in the campus you will live new experciences and you can wake new friends.

In conclusion, I think that if you have money it's better to go on a campus because it's more fun, but if you haven't, it's better to stay home and save the money for other more important things.

Why people is so crazy?

In my opinion nowadays is very important to control what we upload on the internet, because it will be there all of your life, and anyway, if you delete it later someone could have save it, and it will remain on the social network. 
A few days ago I see a video in Youtube, and I freaked out with it, because someday the girl that appears in this video will regret it. I think she's crazy, in this video she appears saying that she's a cat. She says a lot of nosenses.

Here is the video:


dimarts, 11 de novembre del 2014

Does humor play an important role in life?

Some people belive that humor is the best medicine to heal an injury. Si I think thta humor has an important role in life, because it helps many people to find happiness. And that's the objective of everyone: finding happiness.

Sometimes we use humoer to dodge us away from sadness, and it's effective. Moreover, humor come with our daily life, it is the way out of our problems. In my opinion when we laugh we forget all our worries, because we can't be happy and worried at the same time.

In conclusion, I think that humor helps us to be happier, and I haven't arguments against happiness and humor.