diumenge, 17 de maig del 2015

My English competence in 2015

My best oral post is the joke: http://nooneonlyyou.blogspot.com.es/2014/12/joke.html?m=1

I've chosen it because I think that it is the better oral post that I have. I have few oral posts so it wasn't a difficult decision. I've chosen it because I was nervous but I liked the results. I think that I have to read faster and with more fluency, but, hoe I've said, I was nervous.

My best written post is: http://nooneonlyyou.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/fromal-letter-invented.html?m=1
I've chosen this post because I like it a lot. I had fun doing it. I think that it has a good structure with good connectors and suitable connectors.
I've liked it because I could use my imagination.

My English Progress from 2013 to 2015

My first post (http://nooneonlyyou.blogspot.com.es/2013/03/dogs.html) was about dogs and puppies. My last post was about the website "WordReference" (http://nooneonlyyou.blogspot.com.es/2015/05/word-reference.html). I think that I improved the topics discussed, and that I've learned some new vocabulary during these years. Moreover I think that I've improved the structure of my posts. In my opinion I've learned a lot of different connectors.
This is my first dialogue: http://nooneonlyyou.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/a-class-dialogue.html 
And this is my last, a joke: http://nooneonlyyou.blogspot.com.es/2014/12/joke.html?m=1
I think that I've improved a lot my pronunciation and my fluency, but it can be better.
At the beggining of this blog I've done posts only to have a good mark, but at the ending we can see that the posts are better because I've done it with effort.

diumenge, 10 de maig del 2015

Word Reference

During this year the Word Reference page has helped me a lot. I think it is a good tool to improve your English. It allows you to learn the meaning of new words and learn synonyms. I think that many people knows this web but many other doesn't knows it, so I want to show gratitude to this free website for making me learn English, advertising it.


Last Tuesday, in the English exam, appeared he word "Nomophobia". At the beginning I didn't know what it was, but after thinking, and reading the exam, I remember it. I was a little bit afraid, because all what I've read was true, and in a little part it defines me. Nomophobia is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. Since this moment I've tried not to be so worried of my mobile phone, but I can't do it. The good part is that when I'm with someone else I'm not worried for the mobile phone. It's true that I'm worried about lose it, but I have it in my bag and I don't use it.

What to do on a Sunday?

Sometimes we don't know what to do on a Sunday and we want to do something to make the most of the day. Here we have some plans to do on a Sunday:

- Bowling, it's a good idea go to the bowling with friends. It is entertraining, ejoyable, especially when it rains.
- Paintball, it's funny. Is very enjoyable painting your friends with harmless guns, but you need a sunny day.
- Beach, if it's summer, you can go to the beach to sunbathe, or swim, with friends or alone.
- Cinema, if you don't know where to go, you can go to the cinema to see a good movie. It is a good idea if it rains, and you can go with friends or alone.
- Go for a walk, you can go for a walk, discovering new interesting places while you walk, you go in bicicle or anything else, with good music is a good plan.


Interestellar is a movie, by Cristopher Nolan, that have made me cry three times. It's a complicated story, convoluted. You can't understand the beggining without seeing the ending. I like it a lot. I don't want to tell the story I prefer to advise you to see it. I think that it's very beautiful story, about the future of the earth, and the relationship between father and daughter. The main character is a man that goes on the sapce searching a new habitable planet. I would like to see it again someday. 

Cambodia and Australia: Treating Refugees as Bargaining Chips

Forty Montagnard asylum seekers have been forced to leave Cambodia and Australia to go to Vietnam last month, without a hearing on their claims for protection. 
In addition, the government made half-hearted denials that it had sent them back, it nevertheless explained its rationale for violating the right not to be returned to face persecution, the most sacrosanct principle of international refugee law. Because Cambodia is “neutral” the spokesman for the Interior Ministry said, “taking refugees from any country…is against the Cambodian constitutional law.”

For more information: http://www.hrw.org/news/2015/03/05/cambodia-and-australia-treating-refugees-bargaining-chips

diumenge, 3 de maig del 2015

Fromal letter (invented)

NGO department
Sant Jaume I
Girona, Spain
14th of April 2015
Mr. Obama, 
president of the United States of America 
White House, Washington DC

Dear Mr. President,
We are writing this letter because we saw thousands of abused children in Ethiopia. They were very scared, because some soldiers of the troops of Africa were bitting them until their death. The soldiers used them as bargaining chips between villages, and then close them into a little cages.

We think that now is the moment to act. If you could send some troops in Ethiopia to save them from the death, of the arms of the harm troops of Africa, we will take in the children. 
We need your help in this misfortune, to save a civilisation of unfortunate children.

If you could be indulgent, we will bring up and educate this poor children. 
Please we need your help, do not turn a blind eye.

Thank you for your attention,

NGO Departament

Human Rights

1. What are human rights?

Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings.

2. When and why were they created?

They were created in 1948, by the united nations.They were created after the second World War to avoid a third one.

3. How many human rights are there?

There are 30 human rights.

4. Which human right were you not familiar with?

I wasn't familiar with the right of rest and relaxation, I know that this is necessary but I didn't know that it was a human right.

Make a list of new words you hear, if any. Think of an example where this human right is respected and where it is violated.


Entitled - Have rights
recogniton - identification
Law - rules
remedy - cure or solution

#18 Freedom of Thought

Everyone has the right of thought and speak one's mind. Everyone has the right to think, and say what they think. Everyone has the right to manifest their beliefs.
In few cases of manifestations people is pacific. In 2004, 11.400.000 people took to the streets of diferent cities of Spain after the worst attack of the history of Spain, the 11-M (a terrorist attack by ETA).
But in many cases the manifestations are repressed furiously.
