dimecres, 22 de maig del 2013

From what we are afraid?

I admit that I have many phobias, at the spiders, to the high, to the narrow spaces and some others. But my phobias aren't extremes, there are people who really can not stand these fobias. I hope that I never take them to these extremes.
We have to win our fears.


The theater!

It is obvious that the theater is unduervaluate than many arts. The other day I went to see my brother in the theater "garden" because he had a performance. It was a performance of various schools, where they sang. And there was an actress / singer spectacular. I loved being there and not only by how they did it well, but because they transported me into another world inside of me.

dimarts, 21 de maig del 2013


I recently saw on TV the movie Step up, and it moved me so much that I decided to make a post about the dance. 
Dance sometimes is less valuete than other arts, like singing. But dance is a beatuful art because, they can express everything with only a single motion.
They use his body to explain himself, and they control it so well. Here we have a video of the film that I watched last week. 


dijous, 16 de maig del 2013

Happy B-Day !

When you do another  year of your life, you rejoice or grieve for it?
Well, I think the young people is alway happy because they know that they will have many years, if all goes well. And some adults are happy and anothers sad when comes his birthday. I think the people don't want to grow old, and they feels sad when they understand that they can not help.
But I think that a B-Day is always a HAPPY B-Day!